Jun 6, 2014

You & Your Cellphone

It's quite cool, when i'm on my way to reduce cellphone use, my phone battery started being so cooperative, miraculously suffered damage and started to drop everytime i turn the internet connection on haha. I've determined reducing that habit after i finished read the research journal (click to get the journal) about human behavior and computer technology which lead to quite surprising facts that frequent cell phone use linked to anxiety, lower grade in school and also can reduce your happiness, mostly in students. Result of the research showed that cellphone use was related to students' GPA negatively, and recorded along with some clinical measure of anxienty which can represent the level of satisfaction in each students -in the other word, can decide the level of happiness.

This morning, i observed people around me, i tried to count the number of people that cuddle with their phone and how long they plug into it. Roughly, i caught up 9 out of 12 passengers in shuttle car, seem to look down enjoying their phone and 5 of those stayed to connect to it when the shuttle had departed. I sneaked a look whats on their phone's screen, mostly check the social media such as twitter, path or facebook and sometimes move to check the traffic informations. I also observed people in terminal or streets which i'm used to stop by. Some scenes have made me gaze with a wonder --how can she enjoy her phone while she also carry 2 childs -under 5 y.o i guess.

"I fear the day that
technology will surpass our human interaction, 
The world will have a generation of idiots" 
- Albert Einstein

What can i summed up is the more i try to realize is the more i feel alone. Being not considered or even invisible because others around just focus on the screen, is apparently umm, sad. Although this fact is no longer surprising, especially when we had walked in to smartphone era. Our behavior really had dribbled the trade and ended up to become our lifestyle.You can unconciously drown for it or just stay being human with balancing the usage of it, because i onehundred-ly believe, the choice is within. 

This morning, i blessed beyond it, another lesson have learned. Noted for myself and definitely for my child in the future. 

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